Women's Ministries

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Women's Ministries anyway?
Women's ministries is for the purpose of mentoring women of the church to use their unique talents and gifts for the work of God in a nurturing environment with other women.

2. Isn't Women's Ministries the same as Community Services (or the Dorcas Society)? Why not just call it that and save some time?
No. Community Services is a ministry by both men and women and needs to be that way. It is a broad and unique ministry all its own that requires the talents of both men and women in providing for the needs of a local community.

3. Isn't it just a social thing-like the social committee?
No, though some think of it that way. Of course, social events and sociability are important to Women's Ministries and many women have a gift for doing such events with just the right touch. Wedding and baby showers have always been something women have done in the past and will continue in the future. But it is not the same as Women's ministries as is noted in the word "ministry." For the church (and women) to celebrate with brides and new mothers does carry a sense of ministry-in that church people are recognizing important events in their lives. The church social committee should be made up of both men and women because human beings are sociable and need to celebrate life in the church in this way.

4. Isn't Women's Ministries really Family Ministries?
This question is easy: a decided no! To state the obvious-it takes men and women, mothers and fathers, single parents of both gender and others to provide a healthy family ministry for the church. Men are just as important to Family Ministries as women.

5. Is the Women's Ministries leader really supposed to be a member of the church board?
Like any other church leader, yes. If in doubt, see the page under "Policies and Statements."

6. Shouldn't Women's Ministries come under the authority of the board of elders? Shouldn't the pastor, at least approve of what is going on in Women's Ministries?
Women's ministries leaders, like Sabbath School, youth, Pathfinders, Health, Family, Evangelism and all the other church ministries come under the authority of the church board. All such leaders will coordinate events with the other ministries through the church board and whoever puts together the church calendar. But the primary authority is the church board. Membership of the women's ministry leader on that board will make her task easier.

7. If women can have women's ministries, why can't men?
They can! Many churches have such a ministry in Southeastern. Currently, Men's Ministries comes under the umbrella of Family Ministries. There are some good resources available from SECC Family Ministries to help get started. The ministry won't look the same, but its mission is the same: to mentor and nurture the life and gifts of men for the work of God.

8. So why can't women's and men's ministries just be together?
In a perfect world and a perfect church we would likely not need them. But we aren't in heaven yet and we need all the ways we can and all the people we can and all the ideas we can to be the best disciples all of us can be.. So for now, in our imperfect world, we do this in order to better carry out the work God has given us.

(c) 2024 Southeastern California Conference Womens Ministries.