Women's Ministries

Women and Men in the Body of Christ

Leader      We remember the women and men, servants of God, who have used the gifts You gave them to serve You and the world. 

People      You have called all believers to life in the Spirit of God. You call us to hear the cry of humankind and to bring good news of salvation, healing and freedom in God.

Leader       We remember Sarah, who with Abraham answered the call to forsake homeland and friends and put their faith in a covenant with the Lord.

People      We ask for their courage and faith.

Leader       We remember Mary and the other women who followed Jesus, along with Andrew and John, Bartholemew and the other disciples. And Martha, whose home was refuge for the

People      They had never known one like this Man-a prophet and teacher who took their questions and arguments seriously and who took them, male and female, as He found them.

Leader       We remember Phoebe, Priscilla and the other women leaders who served the church beside Paul and Timothy, Philip and Barnabas.

People      We pray for their zeal to spread the gospel and to care for the inspire congregations.

Leader       We remember the courage and faithfulness of Katherine and Martin Luther, Suzanna Wesley and her sons, Samuel and John.

People      We remember Ellen White, who by faith became a special messenger for God. With James and son Willie, she began a new work for God, faithful to the Spirit's call. John
                   and Catherine Byington and daughter Martha, who, in company with other women and men, heard the same call and preached of the Savior soon to come.

Leader       We remember the women and men who pioneer anew in times of struggle, men of faith, women of courage.

People      In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions and your old men will dream
                   dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my spirit in those days and they will prophesy.

Leader       We differ in many ways, in intellect, talents, training and temperament. Under God, there is no distinction.

People      There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for we are all one in Christ Jesus.

                                                                                               Liturgy prepared by Audray Johnson

(c) 2024 Southeastern California Conference Womens Ministries.