Women's Ministries

About Us

 A Call to Discipleship

Women have been devoted followers of Jesus beginning with his mother, Mary. During the years of His ministry on earth, women became disciples. They were attracted to this man who took them seriously, who never put them down, who was interested in their welfare, and who loved and blessed their children.

During the early days of the new Christian church - the time of Paul and Peter and the other apostles - women were the backbone of the church. They served as deacons and pastors. They opened their homes to the traveling missionaries and apostles. Their homes became the places of worship.

Tracing the work of women in the Christian church throughout history is an interesting and sometimes difficult task, but whatever the difficulties each generation faced, women were reliable disciples of Jesus. It is a rich history. Those who look for it will be rewarded with a sense of the story of women through long centuries that were often dark and troubled.

The story of the women of the Seventh-day Adventist church is also a splendid history, though not always well known. Adventist women hear the call of Jesus to discipleship no less today than did Mary and Martha, Phoebe and Julia, Ellen White and Annie Smith.

Adventist Christian women today are also called to follow Jesus. They are called to use their godly wisdom, their voices in proclamation of the gospel, their hands and hearts in becoming spiritual leaders. Adventist women are called to bring a ministry of compassion to fellow believers and to a dying world.

The purpose of Women's Ministries is to facilitate the journey of discipleship. Women's Ministries for a local congregation is

An opportunity for spiritual renewal and personal growth in Christ

A way to develop and use the gifts of women for the work of God

  • A network for women to experience fellowship with one another in a Christian setting
  • To provide a non-threatening environment for sharing spiritual insights
  • To provide enriching events and to nurture and mentor women for discipleship.

Women are important to God's eternal plan. It is a woman's mission! Your ministry matters!

(c) 2024 Southeastern California Conference Womens Ministries.